Saturday, September 25, 2010

Why isn't the BSF all over the planet?

My government is intending to spend $9,000,000,000 on new fighter planes (a few dozen).

$9,000,000,000 would purchase 90,000,000 BSF's (cost of filter and administration). These filters would provide safe drinking water to nearly 500,000,000 people. This would go a long, long way to achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Performance Evaluation of BioSand Water Filters in Cambodia.

The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) in Cambodia is "an international partnership for improving water and sanitation sector policies, practices, and capacities to serve poor people". WSP has recently made available a Field Note titled, Improving Household Drinking Water Quality - Use of BioSand Filters in Cambodia authored by Kaida Liang, Mark Sobsey and Christine Stauber, University of North Carolina. The study is dated May 2010. It includes a 38 page report and a DVD containing presentations of the work. The Field Note is available at

Important results of study:

1. Approximately 100,000 BSF's in Cambodia at this time with funding primarily from Samaritan's Purse Canada. They are presently supporting a program that anticipates an additional 25,000 BSF's per year.

2. 87.5% of households surveyed continue to use their BSF (oldest filter was installed eight years ago).

3. 95% reduction of E. Coli and 82% reduction in turbidity of untreated source water.

4. 47% reduction of diarrheal disease.

The professional, ethical and culturally sensitive approach taken by Samaritan's Purse (SP) Canada and their Cambodian partners must be given the credit for these really great results.

I was always impressed by the way SP has implemented their BioSand Water Filter projects - closely following all of the guidelines and methodology outlined on my web site.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welcome to the BioSand Blog (BB)!

This Blog is intended to provide an international forum for everyone in the global community who are interested in any aspect of the BioSand Water Filter including the science and engineering behind it, implementation concerns, construction methodology, instructional issues, consumer issues, performance evaluation, regulatory, political, inter-organizational (Government, NGO, private sector, commercial), household to community scale, research, product development, philosophical, sustainability, ownership, sharing of experiences - even some whining is OK . I want everyone associated directly or indirectly with the BioSand Water Filter to share their opinions in an open forum that is not dominated by any vested interest except the promotion of clean water for humanity (sorry if this the name of someone's NGO). I want it to be an honest, constructive dialogue that includes 'the good, the bad and the ugly'.

My postings and comments are intended to raise issues that I've identified as a concern for which I would like feedback. If I need feedback so do a great number of other people. There is a great deal of misinformation 'out there' that needs to be sorted. Also, (not finally), there is a huge body of knowledge on the BioSand Water Filter that needs to be shared - people solving or simply discussing other people's problems. We are not alone! I do not believe anybody's website, including my own is complete. I do not believe that all of the websites out there include all of the answers. There is no 'all knowing' organization with all of the right answers for everyone. (Keep in mind, though, that there are people and organizations with lots of money. So be careful! What?)

My role in the BB is to bring up 'interesting and provocative ideas' which I hope are of interest to the body of readers and contributors to the BB. I will also act as moderator (e.g. no swearing, etc., no spam, advertising and avoid impolite behaviour). I do not take responsibility for anyone's opinions or comments. I will not otherwise edit any comment. If it is polite and within the range of discussion it will be published as is. I may or may not comment. I may editorialize but this will be an 'official' posting. I will answer questions and solicit help in answering questions in the form of a comment in response to a comment. Comments will be archived.

I need this blog to come into face-to-face contact with those who are with me on the journey to take the BioSand Water Filter to the people of the world who need it. It's been twenty years.
Let's start talking.

Dave Manz